

yo, cut it.

done with classes. its nice.
workin more. its okay.
went to the museum. it was real nice. (www.bodyworlds.com)
watch arrested development. it's sweet.
workin on the album. it's going well.
indoor soccer is over. undefeated.
outdoor is about to start. it should be great.
i'm in good shape. but i gotta run more.
sin city comes out tomorrow. looks unreal.
will arnett is on conan tonight. gotta tape it.
caps and buffalo wings tonight. for sure.
stained my shelf over break. turned out well. (www.geocities.com/mpcshaikuniverse/shelf.jpg)
my rooms clean. so is the kitchen.
still good at socom. this matters for some reason.
i'm being boycotted. until i watch miracle.
i win $200 unless illinois wins. 6/8 outcomes isn't bad. (www.geocities.com/daily1835/main.html)
reading for leisure again. it's way better.
making a short, short film. it'll be funny.
gotta go write that. peace.
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