

not sick anymore. shot most of my troy documentary on saturday. it went pretty well, and i'm glad that major part of it is over. now ijust have to escape for home on some tuesday night in order to get shots during the school day.

im anxiously waiting to play soccer. it killed me missing all three chances to play this past week. i got some exercise last night playing floor hockey and basketball, which went well except for the cough, but that matters less and less everyday.

it seems i need long naps in the afternoon. im going to pretend that this is me still recovering and start worrying about it if im still doing it by thursday. andys movie is this weekend and next... it will probably be a headache. i don't like devoting my weekends to shoots anymore, especially potentially disasterous ones. i guess its my job to help prevent disasters, but im pretty sure most of them will be out of my control. regardless, it's better to get paid to do things.

i worked 9-noon at blockbuster this morning and just put all the movies away. they have someone else come in in the afternoon to replace me, but i guess im quick enough at checking in/running that im called in special for the biggest return of the week. im like the wolf - i clean up the mess - just in three hours instead of 45 minutes or whatever he did.

i wrote a paper last night, i even started before midnight, but still went to sleep and finished it in the morning. i expect tonight to be much the same story, although if i really get into it, i could just write forever probably. i should start taking this idea seriously, cause its actually a pretty good idea, and if i do it right, i could get a script out of it. time to flip the record.
I need some more spice on this blog. How about some sick soccer goals, with a dick vitale like description.

Maybe something interesting about white chicks, that woudl be cool too.

Or like you can pull a fight club where he randomly enters those porn clips into those movies. You can talk about something by using a comma (like now), bukkakhe, say bukkake randomly and that would be a cool sentence.

Man I would have the best blog.
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