

i've been spending my time doing shit. thats the truth.

bird left this in the comments box of my previous entry, so i want to put it out there for everyone to read, followed by my ski trip summary.

This is Bird (So matt can start on his skii trip entry):

My top 10 for skii trip
10) Listening to snoop on the bus on loop, and seeing the egyptian girl's ass
9) Sully jamming my pinki at the biggest trucker stop with his laser throwing football skills
8) Matt tying our knees togethor on the bus with my hoodie because he didnt like his knee moving
7) My fall where i flipped on my head
6) My fall where the skii's stayed on top of the hill and I slid down
5) Something about a Bulldozer
4) All of us eating a 451 sq inch pizza (Matt calculated this), and matt only ate one piece
3) Me finding a stuffed animal that looks like Nancy's dead dog
2) Matt and Mine Honeymoon with vivian as the photographer
1) Sully leaving the opportunity to get with three girls to drink water with leroy at our sink in the condo, and then stating how he always goes for "bros before hoes" but then realizing that none of the bros wanted his hoes.

ski trip was pretty much the perfect vacation. im going to cover it in list form a la my notes i
took on the bus ride home:

- on the bus ride there, this extremely lame indian kid, lets just call him tool, was macking on this white chick in the seat in front of me. keep in mind this is a 22 hour bus ride, and the kid only shut up when he was trying to sleep on her shoulder.

- we played football at every rest stop. the tool mentioned above often wanted to play, but we would just stop playing. he threw the ball into a truck and woke up a sleeping trucker. also, he threw like a girl.

- we probably watched about 4 hours of sportscenter a day, just cause there were certain times when there wasnt much else to do. drinking took less time, cause you were drunk in 10 seconds, so you could start later.

- the first night we did the 40oz at 10,000 feet thing. people thought it was tacky that we brought our own drinks, i thought it was polite.

- i caught on to snowboarding quick. i was goin down blues on the first day. i also fell bad once, but that didnt even hurt till a day later.

- while going down one of those blues, erika and i got a little off the beaten path and ended up involuntarily jumping a stream. we both got stuck in the bank of snow on the other side. we should have went down that run again.

- in an ongoing battle with a certain roommate for control of the tv, bird took a vote to watch the nu/depaul game instead of the discovery channel. after the vote, the kid still claimed 'he was watching something,' but bird changed it anyway which sent the kid into the other room where he belonged.

- we are good at being loyal to certain bars.. the pub crawl night was the best for sure, the others were good in their own ways. after recently watching the color of money, i have concluded that i should have played more pool.

- we heard 'drop it like its hot' more than any other song, despite sully trying to always play 'tricky.'

- i did two crossword puzzles all by myself!

- breckenridge has cheap wings too. cept they are on mondays, and are sold by the pound for a dollar. they were good, but my chest/neck were starting to hurt from my fall, so i couldnt fully enjoy them.

- i got to sleep with bird for the second half of the week. one morning i woke up and told him my dream i had about debating the provost in front of the whole school about diversity. bird told me he had a dream where 'someone saw my penis on accident and made fun of me.'

- vail was a total 'snowgasm' according to a random kid we overheard on his phone. but it was the truth. and the back bowls deserve to be legendary, i'd say.

- at vail, we went down a blue called avanti, or something like that. there was one steep part that was rated as a black. bird fell at the very top of the steep part and proceeded to slide down the entire hill until he was on a flat part where the blue began again. a nice, skilled skier picked up birds skis and poles and brought them down to him.

- viv, nilli, bird, erika, and i ate a giant pizza - 24" i think. it was bigger than i expected. bird at the most, but viv out-ate me. i couldnt keep up, there was too much cheese. we finished it though, after an hour or so of trying. then we all didn't eat for a day.

- bird and i got to dance a lot. he wooed me with his white man's overbite. viv took pictures and requested some songs for me. erika tried to dance with us, but i only wanted bird.

- some dumb fuck bought the way of the gun on vhs on the way home and put it on in the bus at 1 in the fucking morning. for the next two hours that shitty movie played, gunfight after gunfight. those fucks. plus, it was way too loud. it almost ruined my vacation.

ski trip taught me how to snowboard, and that i have good friends, and that the majority of the rest of nu kids suck. the trip was great though, wish i went on more.

Bird and Nancy-

Matt, how could you write about some of our bedside talk. Nancy is extremely jealous.

Just a clarification,

That indian kid matt's talking about is not me, it's some tool in Pike.

Love always,
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