here's the script i wrote for a minor grant:
it was "too safe" and "fails to push the boundaries of what's possible in NU student filmmaking." if that's what they think, that's fine, but, in my opinion, student film looks like student film because everyone tries to do impossible things that only professionals could accomplish. the best student films work within the constraints of what is possible and execute it well. there is a merit to attempting the impossible and being creatively ambitious, but it all goes to waste if your project is a piece of shit (9 times out of 10 (10 being Osato)). it's not like that script wasn't ambitious at all, there was still a lot going on, i was going to make the camera and the visuals really dynamic, and rewrites could have only made it better, but there are no special effects, or special costumes, or people dying, etc. i haven't read the scripts that beat it out, so i can't really say anything about them. at least good people got them. stay tuned till june for how they turn out.
it was "too safe" and "fails to push the boundaries of what's possible in NU student filmmaking." if that's what they think, that's fine, but, in my opinion, student film looks like student film because everyone tries to do impossible things that only professionals could accomplish. the best student films work within the constraints of what is possible and execute it well. there is a merit to attempting the impossible and being creatively ambitious, but it all goes to waste if your project is a piece of shit (9 times out of 10 (10 being Osato)). it's not like that script wasn't ambitious at all, there was still a lot going on, i was going to make the camera and the visuals really dynamic, and rewrites could have only made it better, but there are no special effects, or special costumes, or people dying, etc. i haven't read the scripts that beat it out, so i can't really say anything about them. at least good people got them. stay tuned till june for how they turn out.
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