

the brain is still fried, but not cooked yet. in 3 weeks, ill be able to stop complaining and enjoy my time. until then ill be on set, or at class, or at work, or at work doing classwork. im at work now, listening to the radio. yes, the radio still sucks. its q101 and every commercial has people yelling. 60% OFF! wtf, doesnt whoever paid for that ad know that annoying ads are worthless? the worst part about it is im sure that commercial cost thousands of dollars to make.

anyways, the new room is good, a little too hot most of the time. i guess that contrasts with outside, which is a little too cold. but there i go complaining again. seems to be all im capable of nowadays. i need to present both sides of the story- there are still a lot of good things in my life. sarah, soccer, and sleep keep me trudging through this time of darkness. i need weekends though, if im not going to have any free time during any weekday. 3 weeks of set seems like such a long time, but last winter quarter, i was on set for the first 6 weekends. how did i do that? maybe im just under some type of illusion over how many hours of actual class time i have. its the most ive ever had, and i think i t makes me feel busier than i am. theres nothing to drop though. i need it all. no way out but the end of the tunnel - spring break. lets hope the whole hot beach thing goes through, cause ill need it by then.

while driving to soccer, i played tom some of my old songs. its a shame that i dont have time for that. or at least time to make beats and record harrel and adam. thats probably the worst part about my situation. being so busy really stifles my creativity. the fall went alright, but i didnt get done even half of what i planned. the spring has to be different. i am sitting on tons of amazing slam poetry footage, and i need to get my act together before nationals comes around again. it kind of bugs me that i dont hear about whats going on with the footage i gave to poetry slam inc. its no doubt the best footage theyve ever had. and i think they owe me something for that, 'to be negotiated at a later date.' but really, i bet nothgin is happening with the footage, which is why i need to call, get the editing job, and make the videos of the finals nights myself in the spring. and that means taking 3 classes in the spring, and becoming an editing master. maybe i can even take advanced editing and turn in a finals night edit for the final project. that'd be sweet. the second class credit from my summer work. im gonna go email the psi guy now, and figure this out.
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