

will philosophizing about film adaptations (paraphrased):

you know how whenever books are adapted to films, things are cut out. well i think this is ridiculous cause if you think about it-
a picture is worth a 1,000 words.
a film is 24 pictures every second, thats 24,000 words a second.
they should never have to cut anything out!
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my paper is due at 5pm tomorrow!
which would be an absolutely perfect situation if i didn't have to work from 9-5 at blockbuster. damn it.
damn, this movie is depressing. you watch this guy shine his shoes, getting ready for work, shining away in the kitchen. saying he has to look his best cause the manager wants to see him today. his wife is trying to get him to stay home with her. but he just keeps getting ready. cut to him holding onto his bosses leg, begging him not to fire him. all the doorways in the hallway are slightly cracked, everyone is watching. the boss is dragging him down the hallway like a child. he breaks free and goes into his office. all the doors shut simultaneously. the man just keeps repeating, "i've been here for 30 years!"
continue on like that for an hour and half and you have Songs From the Second Floor, where people are constantly getting screwed over by the cold, inhumane world of a capitalist wasteland.
but its so different. and so pretty in its own ikea catalogue/renaissance painting way. see it if you want to see something important. maybe my paper will actually be good. but i doubt it.
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orange juice is my salvation.

i feel like today is gonna be one of those days where i listen to 'the saddest day' over and over again until i become really productive or kill someone.

also, sorry mom, i'm reverting to space monkey tonight. so next time you see me, i won't have any hair. it was fun while it lasted, but i'm sick of it and not about to pay for a haircut in this economy. plus i don't even have any conditioner right now, and what goods a head of hair without conditioner?

2/3 done with the quarter. i love watching people wake up on aim. actually, no i don't. i hope gene phillips comes into blockbuster today when i'm not there. i hate that guy, but he's got direct connections to francis ford, so i can't hate him that much.

t.e. comes alive on wednesday. maybe.
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ive forgotten a whole ton of things i wanted to post, so heres the laundry list of what i can remember:

- 'songs from the second floor' is an amazing film.
- will and i are good at making our own fun.
- my room is capable of being clean.
- my final photo project is sentimental and depressing.
- i still love david gample. a lot.
- had a great dinner at home with erika, sonia, nilli, dave, christina and my parents.
- 'the life aquatic with steve zissou' is the funniest thing i've seen in a long time. it was also made personally for will.
- i owe erik big time.
- i made a facebook group - club soccer
- i'm still bad at starting papers.
- it's amazing how much hinman people have stuck together.
- thursday nights are still going strong.

i gotta write this paper, maybe ill write more tomorrow.
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